StarCraft shipped with a map editor that was extremely versatile for its time, giving the user control over almost all of the game's mechanics. Considering they don't really affect the canon and just focus on minor characters doing random stuff, it doesn't matter. Insurrection and Retribution were not made by Blizzard, not widely available, and generally regarded as Canon Discontinuity.

Amidst all of the action, Kerrigan swoops in time after time to ally herself with everyone in turns, pitting them against each other and eventually making herself the Queen Bitch of the Universe by beating her weakened enemies in battle. Brood War added new units and a continuation of the campaign, wherein the Protoss have to escape their Zerg-overrun homeworld, a new Terran faction invades the sector and the remaining Cerebrates attempt to resurrect the Overmind. Three Expansion Packs were released in 1998: two paid custom campaign sets called Insurrection and Retribution, developed by third parties, and a full expansion called Brood War, developed by Blizzard themselves. In her new form, she lends her psychic powers to the Zerg's already impressive numerical strength and turns it against the Protoss, managing almost to conquer the Protoss homeworld of Aiur before two warring Protoss factions, the Khalai and the Dark Templar, join forces with a group of Terran exiles to destroy the Overmind. By doing so, he ultimately destroys the Confederate capital of Tarsonis and takes control of the Terran government, declaring himself Emperor, but his lieutenant - former Confederate Ghost Sarah Kerrigan - is lost in battle and becomes infested by the Zerg. Arcturus Mengsk, leader of the Sons of Korhal, learns that the Zerg are attracted to psychic energy, and begins deploying "Psi Emitters" into Confederacy bases to bring down Zerg attacks upon them. As the Zerg quickly overtake the unprepared Terran outposts, Protoss battle fleets begin attacking the infected worlds as well, destroying all life on them to prevent the infestation from spreading. It is perhaps most notable for being one of the best-selling and most widely-played computer games to be played competitively.Īs the story opens, Terran civilization is embroiled in a civil war between the ruling Terran Confederacy and the rebel Sons of Korhal when Zerg infestations begin appearing on several worlds. Initially released in 1998, StarCraft took the Warcraft style of gameplay that had made Blizzard famous and adapted it to a 26th century setting. IN SPACE! note It's much more sophisticated. Ubisoft's ( StarCraft 's distributor in France) Tagline for the game.